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Report System

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Account Receivable Report

  1. express account receive
  2. A/R deposits sort by bill number, date, customer and salesman.
  3. Cash sales sort by bill number, date, customer, salesman, territory + salesman and territory + customer.
  4. Sales order sort by bill number, date, customer, salesman, territory + salesman, territory + customer.
  5. Back order group by stock code, sales order no., customer, salesman, supplier.
  6. Credit sales sort by invoice number, date, customer, salesman, territory + salesman, territory + customer.
  7. Invoice due group by customer, salesman + customer, invoice number and A/R statements.
  8. Other income sort by bill number, date, customer.
  9. A/R collection bill list sort by bill date, appointment date, out date.
  10. Credit Note (A/R) sort by document no., date, customer, salesman, territory + salesman, territory + customer.
  11. Debit Note (A/R) sort by document no., date, customer, salesman, territory + salesman, territory + customer.
  12. Receipts sort by receipt date, date received, salesman (date received, cheque cleared), receipt no., customer.
  13. A/R outstanding balance forward with summary and detail format.
  14. Account receivable status.
  15. A/R aging with summary and detail format sort by customer, salesman.
  16. Account receivable activity.
  17. A/R over credit limit.
  18. Customer information group by customer type, territory + customer type, salesman + territory.
  19. Quotation sort by number, date, customer, salesman, status + salesman.
  20. Sales system checking.

Account Payable Report

express report ap

  1. A/P deposits sort by bill number, date and supplier.
  2. Cash purchase sort by bill number, date and supplier.
  3. Purchase order sort by bill number, date and supplier.
  4. On order group by stock code, p/o number and supplier.
  5. Credit purchase sort by bill number, date and supplier.
  6. Purchase due group by supplier, purchase date and A/P statement.
  7. Other expenses sort by bill number, date and supplier.
  8. A/P collection bill list sort by received date and appointment date.
  9. Credit Note (A/P) sort by bill number, date and supplier.
  10. Debit Note (A/P) sort by bill number, date and supplier.
  11. Payments sort by payment date and document date.
  12. A/P outstanding balance forward with summary and detail format.
  13. Account payable status.
  14. Account payable aging with summary and detail format by supplier.
  15. Account payable activity.
  16. Account payable over credit limit.
  17. Supplier information and purchase system checking.

Cheque Report


  1. Cheque received sort by cheque date, deposit date, cheque cleared date, customer and received date.
  2. Cheque received as of date.
  3. The printable cheque deposit slip.
  4. Cheque paid sort by cheque number, cheque date, cheque cleared date, supplier and issued date.
  5. Cheque paid as of date.
  6. The printable cheque paid.

Inventory Control Report


  1. Stock cards listing sort by stock code, stock code-continuous, location, location-continuous.
  2. Stock cards with separate cost group by location and location-continuous.
  3. Stock received and issued by document.
  4. Stock valuation sort by code, name, group, account set, inventory account and group-show location.
  5. Stock valuation with separate cost by code, name, group, account set, inventory a/c + department, location.
  6. Stock summary sort by code, group, inventory account, inventory a/c + department and location.
  7. Stock summary sort by date + stock code, group by date + group, date + inventory account and date + code.
  8. Stock summary with department group sort by code + department, department and department-show item.
  9. Stock information.
  10. Price list reports: all, price 1, price 2, price 3, price 4 and price 5.
  11. Daily transaction reports sort by stock internal issue, location transfer, quantity adjustment, cost adjustment, physical count and stock transfer report.
  12. Stock FIFO group by lot aging and lot aging-separate location.
  13. Reorder point sort by code, supplier and overstock by group.
  14. Stock no activity sort by code, group (period) by stock group, location and group-show location.
  15. Stock no sales sort by code, group (period) by stock group, location and group-show location.

Value Added Tax and Withholding Tax Reports


  1. Purchase tax: monthly, only period, only additional submission and sort by invoice date.
  2. Sales tax: monthly, only period, only additional submission and sort by invoice date.
  3. Sales for tax.
  4. Withholding tax form (แบบยื่นภงด. 53 / ภงด. 3): monthly, only period and only additional submission.
  5. It has withholding tax platform 3, 53 (ภงด.3, 53) for send to internet to Revenue Department.

General Ledger Report


  1. The printable chart of account.
  2. Journal book sort by date, voucher number and account number.
  3. Journal Movement Summary.
  4. General Ledger.
  5. GL sub-ledger.
  6. Trial balance i.e. full form, 3 months, 6 months, only balance, join department with full form, join department for BAL and join department for period to date.
  7. GL Worksheet perpetual and periodic.
  8. Financial statement and new creation statement.
  9. Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss.
  10. Check data: invalid account no., voucher not balance, transaction audit trial and profit & loss-YTD, PTD.
  11. Fixed assets sort by code, name, group, asset account, depreciation account, purchasing date, monthly group by depreciation account, asset listing and detail asset listing.
  12. Petty cash sort: petty cash book and summary by account number.

Fix Asset Report


  1. ทะเบียนสินทรัพย์ และแบบละเอียด
  2. ค่าเสื่อมราคา เรียงตามรหัส, แยกตามหมวด, แยกตามบัญชีสินทรัพย์, แยกตามบัญชีค่าเสื่อม
  3. ค่าเสื่อมราคารายเดือน แยกตามบัญชีค่าเสื่อม

Sales Analysis Report


Purchase Analysis Report

purchase analysis report

Create Cusrom Report